New to Expiration Reminder? Here are few articles to help you learn how to get started!
Hello and Welcome to Expiration Reminder!
Whether you're on Expiration Reminder's free 14-day trial, or have enabled your new Account, it's always great to know where to start.
Below we have helpful video of basic actions one should know in Expiration Reminder as well as an index of Help Articles created by our Support and Development team to help you begin implementing your information, details and organizational structure in Expiration Reminder.
Articles to Get You Tracking
Creating a Document Type - Click here
Document Types are one of the main drivers for Expiration Reminder configuration. They describe the different types of items that are tracked in the application. Document types define/organize your Expiration items (see below for Expiration Items).
Examples could include licenses, permits, certifications, SSL certificates, etc.
Creating a Contact - Click here
Contacts are used in Expiration Reminder to manage the profile of an employee, contractor, a customer etc. An Expiration Reminder account may configure as many contacts as required. There’s no limit for Contacts on any plan.
Customizing Fields - Click here
Custom fields are a great way of adding more detail to an expiration item or contact. There are 6 different types of fields to choose from.
Creating an Expiration Item - Click here
An expiration item tracks a document with an expiration date. It can be a contract, a license, a certification a warranty, or anything that has an expiration date. Document Types define/organize Expiration Items and Expiration Items generate notifications to your Contacts.
Renewing an Expiration - Click here
Renewing an expiration is the most common task you’ll do in Expiration Reminder as every item that’s expired needs to renewed or it will remain in Expired Status.
E-mail Templates - Click here
Email templates contain the content of the e-mail reminders sent from your account in Expiration Reminder.With the E-mail Templates feature, you can add new templates or change the Default templates that are available.
Expiration Reminder Academy
The Expiration Reminder Academy showcases how our software can be used in different scenarios via video tutorials. You can enroll at our Academy at the link below.