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Archiving a Contact

Find out how to disable or archive a contact

Archiving and Unarchiving Contacts

There may be instances where you’d prefer to archive a contact rather than delete their record. For example, if the contact's information is needed for auditing purposes or if the person may return in the future, archiving allows you to retain the Contact and reactivate it when needed.

How to Archive a Contact

  1. Navigate to the Contacts page and click the name of the contact you want to archive to open their contact page.
  2. Click the downward arrow on the far right-hand side of the page and select Archive.
  3. A confirmation prompt will appear—click the green "Yes" button to confirm.

Important Notes:

  • Archiving a contact will also archive any expiration items where that contact is the only contact.
  • Expiration items that include the archived contact but have multiple contacts will remain intact and active.

How to Unarchive a Contact

  1. Go to the Archived tab in your Contacts list view.
  2. Click the name of the contact you wish to unarchive/reactivate.
  3. Click the downward arrow on the far right-hand side and select Archive (this toggles to unarchive).
  4. You’ll be prompted to confirm—click the green "Yes" button to complete the process.

Important Notes:

  • When unarchiving a contact, their expiration items will not automatically unarchive. You will need to unarchive the expiration items separately if needed.